2023 classes

Our classes are specifically curated to help you build your business through multiple aspects of the creative industry. All classes are just $99 and are complimentary for members!

Calendar Block
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April 13th - Shooting in Manual with Kathy Spanski

Whether you are new to photography or just haven’t gotten around to learning how to use your camera, this class is for you! Learn how to shoot in manual so you can use your camera to it’s full potential! Bring your camera’s because we will be practicing at the end of class!

May 16th - Plant Class with Tiffany Ball

Wedding florist & horticulturist, Tiffany Ball will be headed to the studio to help us with our plant props! We all love some plants in our photos, so Tiff is going to help us source, play and build plant props for our shoots!

June 15th - Flash Photography with Chelsea Reynolds

Let’s be honest, we love our natural light photography. But flash can be an actual game changer for booking more clients, having a more creative edge, and building your portfolio. You don’t want to miss this one!

July 25th - Business Growth for Creatives - with Becky Durigan

This business course is taught by our owner Becky Durigan. With over 15 years of experience in business, Becky has been guiding teams on how to better manage their client base and build upon them through proven concepts and skill sets. You will learn how to instill the best service practices and how to build your creative business through several main components. If you’re ready to expand your business, this is the class for you!

August 31st- Brand Videography with Jill Coats

Have you seen our new Studio Prep School video?! Learn how to shoot video like a pro for your brand clients! Jill will give us an easy SOP for shooting, plus help you through those editing hurdles. Video is on the rise, get on board!

November 7th - Skin Retouching in Photoshop

We cannot wait to take this class with Chelsea! Photoshop can be overwhelming, so Chelsea is here to show us some easy tools for enhancing your clients skin. Your clients will thank you later ;) Plus, this easily adds an expertise to your portfolio that people will PAY for!

December 5th - Business Growth for Creatives with Becky Durigan

This business course is taught by our owner Becky Durigan. With over 15 years of experience in business, Becky has been guiding teams on how to better manage their client base and build upon them through proven concepts and skill sets. You will learn how to instill the best service practices and how to build your creative business through several main components. If you’re ready to expand your business, this is the class for you!

All classes start at 5:30pm!